January 06, 2015

Staying on track in 2015

I really do not like making resolutions. Everyone does it and they are broken within two seconds of eating a bacon and egg roll for breakfast on New Year's Day.

They also sound more like rules and are a bit limiting. Lest I sound like a Grinch, what I would like to do this year is make some goals and a plan for those goals. It's going to be my theme this year, I think... staying on track. I often have the very best intentions, then I lose sight of them and then forget about it. I confess, I can have the attention span of a flea, so I really do need lists in my life. I have plans for quite a few things in my life right now, and am finding that breaking them down into lists helps me incredibly.

At the moment, these lists are broken down into areas of my life (health and wellness, work, blogging, home), but as I start to get into the habit of checking these, I'm hoping that they will look less like children's chore charts, and more like friendly reminders. This may sound like a very basic system but for me, these are things I want to work on and having them specifically categorised helps me keep my focus and not lose sight. Hopefully I can get things off to a good start this week and stick to it.

I'd really love to know, how do you stay focused?


  1. I rarely finish anything and often have multiple 'things' on the go. I'm quite useless really. And impatient. Perhaps they are related.

    Number one health and wellness list - attend BFF's Saturday pump and abs class, yes?

    1. BFF may need to bribe me with promises of cake afterwards.

      I feel like that a lot, I just have too much in my little brain!

  2. You two are so cute. Check out the free planner over at thekindredcollective.com.au it looks at all of those areas and has templates for breaking them down into monthly goals. Good luck with them all! X

  3. Haha, nobody who knows Peta and I think we're cute. You're officially the top of my favourites list!

    I'll definitely go check that planner out, it sounds like it's exactly what I need!

  4. I'm taking part in Project 365 by Time Warp Wife. There is even a support FB group for it. I use a journal to keep track of my progress. Thank you for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.

  5. I totally get what you mean! There is just something special and fresh about the new year that makes you excited for new things, but most resolutions are unrealistic (like making a drunk promise to run everyday when it's likely you will spend Jan 1 in bed hungover).

    I am a list maker - I need a date planner and meal planner and about 4 different lists at one time to keep me on track!


Comments are always appreciated.
I reserve the right to remove any mean-spirited or overly self-promotional comments posted, unless of course you're promoting cake... and you want to give me cake...