January 08, 2015

The home office makeover - part 1

Part of our plan for getting organised for 2015 was to organise the home office, and for me to sort out my walk-in wardrobe (which I fear will always be a work in progress). When the stuff around me is in chaos, it's usually a reflection of the state of my brain! Fortunately, I have an incredibly well-organised husband, who keeps his end of the deal - everything he touches is tidy and in its proper place.

Both BB and I work from home a bit (me more so with my new and super-exciting job!), so it's going to be important that the home office we share is functional and organised. Until recently, we shared an awkwardly large corner desk in our home office, and there was a lot of empty space in the room that we just couldn't use. Also, even though my husband needed just as much space as me (if not more), the poor guy was squished onto the round end of the desk return, and neither of us felt very good about this layout.

The home office as it was. A ridiculously big corner desk, tonnes of unused space, and the placement of my desktop monitor and his printer meant that we couldn't even open the windows!

After searching online and at a few stores, we found our solution at Empire Office Furniture - two white desks to go side by side, with rolling drawers and filing space on each side, and a long console to fit under the window. Fortunately, this room was once a small bedroom, so it has a big wardrobe full of shelves where we're keeping archive boxes of filing and household paperwork.

The next step will be to make it more 'us', with some white shelves above my side of the room, and some small in-trays or storage baskets, etc to keep the clutter from building up. Then the fun stuff... prints, artwork, photos, candles, all the fancy things that I am looking forward to being inspired by as I sit here and write and write and write.

As we get this room sorted, I'll share more of it, because it really will become my most-used part of our home.

Do you have a home office? If so, how do you keep it both practical and pretty - I would love to know!


  1. my office/spare bedroom is currently my laundry dumping ground, opps

  2. I love my home office. I just had a little revamp yesterday. I try and keep it tidy everyday but sometimes the desk is a mess. I have al little clutter which I will be removing soon.

  3. I just moved into my new home office this week after relocating to Townsville and I am already in love. To keep it practical and pretty I have a sofa bed style couch against one of the walls that can fold out to be used as a bed when we have visitors. When it's not being used as a bed it is the perfect spot for clients to sit or for me to take a midday nap. ;) It's also covered in pretty pink/purple/silver pillows to match my general colour scheme. xx


Comments are always appreciated.
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